Wednesday, November 15, 2006

9. Submissive or Excitation Urination

Be Kind To Pets -

Submissive urination - generally occurs in young and/or insecure dogs that are around dominant dogs or people.

If you punish your dog, it will cause her to urinate more as she wants to "apologise to you."

Patience and consistency from the owner to help the dog regain the confidence.

1. Consistency. The entire household has to practise the same procedure. Approach the dog without appearing dominant or threatening.

2. Quiet Greetings --- Avoid eye contact, no loud greetings, turn you body at 45-90 degree angle from your dog's. Say "Sit". Then take her outside to pee before playing.

3. Visitors at the door --- Put your dog on a leash before admitting visitors. Ask them not to ignore your dog on arrival.

4. Patience & Repetition --- Keep repeating positive reinforcement behaviour. Repeat acts she excells at such as Sit, Stay and Come. Rewards with food treats and praises.

As her confidence grows, submissive urination problem disappears. This may take weeks or months.