Friday, November 03, 2006

8. Dr Sing's Toilet Training Secrets (Singapore Puppies) --- How to toilet train?

Be Kind To Pets -

A variety of ways.

1. What is the benefit to the puppy?
Positive and negative experiences. Carrot and stick method. Clean den. Who's the boss. The Gastro-Colic Reflex. N-1 formula. Acute sense of smell and hearing. Visual breeds. Play-fighting, Play-biting.

How to do it? Pictures are shown during the lectures.

1. Puppy's mental development. Blank slate to rebellious stage.
2. Communication --- Barking loudly, Positive experiences best. Needs to spend time.
3. Confinement --- 14 days seldom practised. Too cruel?
4. A Daily Routine.
5. Signs of elimination.
6. Persistence and Perseverance.
7. Handling accidents.
8. Crate Training --- N-1 Formula and the Gastro-colic Reflex.
9. Pee Pan with wire flooring and urine spray.
10. Room by room method.
11. 2nd piece of newspapers.
12. The Leash Method --- Non-chewable leash for the Siberian Husky.
13. Respect and Love --- Electric Collar and Choke Chain or Euthanasia?

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